Data Appending is essential for obtaining strategic business insights. By adding additional information to existing records and data, businesses can gain a more accurate and current vision of their customer base. This powerful process bridges existing databases with new sources of data, producing in turn an enriched consumer profile that offers enhanced accuracy and relevancy. Through data appending businesses are given the opportunity to draw intricate or complex connections that lead to better activities and outcomes, such as marketing growth and predictive planning. Ultimately, utilizing this process gives companies a comprehensive understanding of customer interactions, helping them to find further opportunities, motives and products beneficial to them and their customers.

For companies, this should produce more detailed insights into consumer behavior, allowing them to make better decisions when it comes down to marketing strategies where they take on an omnichannel approach.

At SalezLift, we use the best industry technology and processes to help our customers get the best out of their data append needs. Our experts look through your client’s database and match them with relevant information from high-quality third-party databases that receive frequent updates every month in order to ensure that the contact details are accurate, up-to-date, and most importantly GDPR compliant before any information is added to your contact database!

We also offer pre-packaged solutions such as email campaigns to these, allowing you to focus on driving qualified leads rather than manually verifying each record one by one! ​

Curious about improving your customer engagement and beefing up your contact database? Incorporate data Appending into your strategy. Our data experts and technology make it easy—you can confidently rely on its accuracy now and in the future. We're committed to providing you with regularly updated data as well, so regardless of privacy or regulatory changes, you have access to information that comes straight from its source. Best of all, using data Appending offers a time saving way to compile comprehensive user data without the hassle or extra fees that come along with traditional methods.

Our most subscribed expertise includes:
Email Appending
Phone Appending
Job Profile Appending
Location Address Appending
Social Media Appending


We have got you covered on all your email and direct marketing needs

    Why is Data Appending necessary?

    Data appending is a smart, necessary measure for businesses in today's modern age of technology. Keeping customer data current and up-to-date allows them to have more accurate insights at their disposal. With the most updated information, businesses can create more effective marketing plans while controlling campaign costs and increasing ROI. Along with improving marketing perspectives comes the valuable benefit of enhanced customer satisfaction with personalized campaigns that reduce churn rates and optimize the overall customer experience. In short, through strategic data appending, businesses invest in success from multiple angles!

    As per report 22.5% in-house data decays annually on average - meaning companies need to continuously update their data append process in order for it remain relevant and effective at driving revenue growth as well as improving ROI.​ Data append services include validating, enriching, and appending customer data with relevant information such as email/phone number and demographic/firmographic data. This helps marketers to better understand their audience segmentation while targeting customers more effectively. Data append process also provides a platform for companies to leverage predictive analytics in order to build the profiles of existing customers and identify new customer segments. Data append services are critical in helping companies to achieve their marketing goals, as they enable them to develop a better understanding of their customers and leverage data-driven insights to make informed decisions on how best to target and engage with them. A well-executed data append process can lead to increased customer loyalty, improved conversion rates, and improved ROI for businesses.Therefore, it is important for companies to keep up with the ever-changing customer data landscape and regularly update their data append process in order to remain competitive.

    Here's how data appening can be extremely beneficial to you.

    B2B data decays annually on average at 22.5%

    How does Data Appending work?

    At Salezlift, we make sure our clients get the most out of their existing database by providing top-notch quality datasets. Our expert team follows an efficient roadmap to ensure both accuracy and effectiveness in data append services.

    Our roadmap for data appending follows 9 distinct steps in order to deliver high-quality results that meet our clients' needs.

    Our goal is to give clients the ultimate dataset experience! We map out a journey designed to take their database and transform it into an appended powerhouse. Together, we make data smarter than ever before.

    SalezLift's data appending roadmap
    SalezLift offers a comprehensive data appending service that combines billions of data points from public records and premium partnerships. Our service can help you fill in missing address changes, numbers, email addresses, location intelligence, and demographics. With SalezLift's data append services, you can ensure your customer database is up-to-date and accurate so you can reach the right people at the right time with the right message.

    Don't let outdated or incomplete customer data hold your business back - use SalezLift's data appending services to get the most out of your customer database! Our powerful data append tool allows you to easily identify and update customer records with missing or incorrect information. The appended data can then be used for targeted marketing campaigns, lead scoring, segmentation, and more.

    Our data append services are designed to help you quickly and accurately update your customer database, so you can start engaging with customers and prospects right away. So don't wait - use SalezLift's data appending service today and take control of your customer data! SalezLift also offers additional data-related services such as contact

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Data appending is the process of adding new information to an existing database. It involves filling in gaps in customer data such as contact information, demographic data, and lifestyle data. data appending helps businesses better understand their customers and target them more effectively with marketing campaigns.


    Accurate and up to date customer data, Better understanding of customers, More effective targeting.

    Data appending in SalesLift works by automatically adding missing customer data such as job titles, industry and location to customer records. This helps eliminate manual steps and make customer data more accurate and up-to-date. SalesLift’s data appending also helps users analyze their customers’ demographic information and preferences, making it easier to target the right audience with the right message. With this data, businesses can gain a deeper understanding of their customers and more effectively reach them with tailored campaigns that are relevant to their needs.


    When you choose data appending services and partner with us, we will work to replace your existing database with high-quality fresh data, allowing you to taget more precisely without worrying about accuracy.